«L’Alliance» combat les discriminations envers les Roms aux niveaux local et régional, promeut leur inclusion et attire l’attention des autorités locales et régionale sur ces communautés.

L’Alliance opère sous le contrôle du Conseil des Autorités Locales et Régionales du Conseil de l’Europe

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Le terme "Roms et Gens du Voyage" est utilisé par le Conseil de l'Europe pour englober la diversité des groupes inclut dans le travail du Conseil de l'Europe sur le terrain intégrant des Roms, Sinti/Manouches, Calé, Kaale, Romanichels, Boyash/Rudari, Égyptiens balkaniques (Égyptiens et Ashkali), des groupes de l'est (Dom, Lom et Abdal), des groupes comme Travellers, Yénishes et des populations désignées par le terme administratif "Gens du voyage", ainsi que des personnes qui s'identifient eux-mêmes comme Tsiganes. 


Exchange of best practice projects at Alliance-conference on Roma housing

On 20 September 2013, local and regional authorities from all over Europe convene in Murksa Sobota, Slovenia, to exchange best practice projects that improve the housing conditions of Roma.

On 20 September 2013, local and regional authorities from all over Europe convene in Murksa Sobota, Slovenia, to exchange best practice projects that improve the housing conditions of Roma. The International Conference on Roma Housing is organized by the Council of Europe’s European Alliance of Cities and Regions for Roma Inclusion in co-operation with the Slovenia-based Roma organization Romano Kher.


Many Roma in Europe continue to live under conditions that do not comply with the minimum standards for adequate housing. The issue of Roma housing touches upon numerous aspects, such as affordability, habitability, security of tenure, location, infrastructure, cultural adequacy, and discrimination. Substandard living conditions have consequences for other key areas of life, such as health, education and employment. In order to overcome discrimination and secure Roma effective access to full social rights, further political efforts on local and regional levels are necessary.


The conference not only provides expert contribution on the issues but also gives the participating municipalities the opportunity to make short presentations on specific projects they implemented at local level. The exchange of experiences with key challenges, measures applied, the impact and sustainability of these measures is part of a more comprehensive effort of cities and regions to improve the housing situation of Roma.


You can watch the conference online with the live stream on www.romanokehrr.si/live


Fotographs and additional information on the participating authorities and the topics and projects discussed will be provided on 21 September 2013.