The Region of Andalusia is the 129th participant of the Alliance
With around half of all Spanish Roma living in the region (around 300 000 Roma), Andalusia is the region in Spain with the highest number of Roma. The European Alliance of Cities and Regions for Roma Inclusion is happy to announce that it has accepted the accession of the Region of Andalusia, which now is its 129th participant. Andalusia has been carrying out actions in favour of Roma inclusion in its territory for more than 30 years.
Indeed, in 1985, the Region of Andalusia has created a service particularly dedicated to the Roma communities, in order to promote and implement comprehensive assistance policies for Roma. This has also been illustrated trough the implementation of diverse measures, such as a thorough monitoring of inclusion projects, the elaboration of an Action Plan in 2010 to coordinate all measures of Roma Inclusion, or also through the creation of a Roma Social Cultural Centre in Andalusia. A current focus of Andalusia is the promotion of gender mainstreaming in Roma education, improving the access of Roma girls and women to lifelong learning opportunities.
Unfortunately, and despite numerous efforts carried out by the Andalusia authorities, it is estimated that one third of the Roma population living there still live in conditions of extreme vulnerability. The Alliance for Roma Inclusion is glad to welcome the Region of Andalusia and hopes that it can benefit from this network.