Join the Alliance as city or region

Cities and Regions of Europe – Join the Alliance!


If your local or regional authority wishes to participate in the European Alliance of Cities and Regions for Roma Inclusion, please fill in the form below before sending an official letter of request for accession by the mayor/governor of your authority to the President of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe, Mr. Anders KNAPE.


Council of Europe
Congress of Local and Regional Authorities
President Anders KNAPE
F-67075 STRASBOURG cedex


Please to not hesitate to contact the Alliance Taskforce for more information: alliance(at)

Please enter an e-mail address to be used as your login.


Your authority

How did you find out about the Alliance?
through the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe
through other local/regional authorities
through the internet
other, please specify:
Does your authority have plans and/or projects for Roma inclusion?
currently being developed
already in implementation
other, please specify :
Which policies or projects on Roma inclusion has your authority implemented?
Does your authority cooperate with other bodies/organisations in the framework of the implementation of those policies/projects (other cities and regions, NGOs other organisations)?
Is the implementation of those policies/projects financed by your own budget or do you get any financial support from any other institutions, if so which one ?

Please indicate below a contact person of your authority for the Alliance:

Title *
Mrs. Mr.