City of Innsbruck, Austria, joins the Alliance
'European spirit originates from face-to-face encounters between the cultures, that is why I think that exchanges with minorities such as the Roma are important for mutual understanding'', stressed Christine Oppitz-Plörer (Austria, EPP/CCE), the Mayor of Innsbruck, during a meeting with a Congress representative on 26 April in Innsbruck. After visiting a Tyrolean school with a special focus on Roma education, which ran a successful student fundraising campaign for a Roma partner school in Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county (Hungary), she announced the participation of the City of Innsbruck in the European Alliance of Cities and Regions for Roma Inclusion. ''We are glad to be a part of this programme, and we will be more active in the future to fight the stereotypes and support more initiatives in our schools for a better understanding of this culture from an early age,'' she concluded her opinion for key factors against antigypsyism.